My books

Anne B. Ragde — “Ligge i grønne enger” (“Pastures Green”)

The last part of the famous Neshov trilogy.

In cooperation with Ewa M. Bilińska.

Original language: Norwegian.

Leah Bendavid-Val — “The photographs”

The National Geographic album

with the famous Afghan girl photo on the cover.

Read the whole story here.

Captions for the Polish edition.

Original language: English.

Eliyahu M. Goldratt — “Isn’t It Obvious?”

A fantastic strory of finding new ways in business.

Original language: English.

Brian Tracy — “Maximum Achievement”


A must-have for anyone who is serious about business. And personal life, too!

Original language: English.

Thomas Corbett — “Throughput Accounting”

A quite new approach to accounting.

Warning! This book can change everything in your comapny…

and give it a winning edge.

Original language: English.

Stefan Casta, Bo Mossberg — “Sofis blomsterexpedition”

Sofi the Ant tells stories about flowers around us.

Original language: Swedish.

Stefan Casta, Bo Mossberg — “Sofis svampbok”

Have you ever tried forest mushrooms?

Sofi tells you how to avoid problems. And much more.

Original language: Swedish.

Stefan Casta, Bo Mossberg — “Sofis trädexpedition”

So, you thought you knew about trees?

Always nice to know some more.

Original language: Swedish.

Stefan Casta, Bo Mossberg — “Sofis bärbok”

Berries? I wouldn’t try all of them, would you?

Sofi explains their magical properties.

Original language: Swedish.

Frank F. Fiore — “Write a Business Plan In No Time”

Business plan?
No problem!

This book gives you a kickstart.

Original language: English.

Jonathan Low, Pam C. Kalafut — “Invisible Advantage: How Intangibles are Driving Business Performance”

How to weigh the intangible?

Original language: English.

Performance Research Associates — “Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service”

After you read this,

your customers will be overjoyed. Probably.

Original language: English.

Mel Silberman — “Active Trainig”

Boring traning courses are just boring.

Try and make a difference!

Original language: English.

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